The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Gene Technology Standing Committee

The Gene Technology Standing Committee provides high-level support to the Gene Technology Ministers’ Meeting.


The Gene Technology Standing Committee (GTSC) provides high-level support to the Gene Technology Ministers’ Meeting (GTMM).


  • coordinates advice to the GTMM, on behalf of all relevant portfolios in the state or territory government that they represent. This helps all areas with an interest in gene technology to provide feedback and in turn all governments to develop and implement gene technology policies
  • supports the GTMM in developing and issuing policy principles, policy guidelines and codes of practice in line with the Gene Technology Act 2000.
  • coordinates their whole-of-government jurisdictional views and positions
  • promotes a consultative national approach to gene technology policy development and implementation.

Terms of reference

The terms of reference of the committee are to:

  • provide policy advice to Ministers who are members of the GTMM on matters relating to gene technology which are within the scope of the national cooperative regulatory scheme for gene technology
  • support the GTMM in developing and issuing:
    • policy principles
    • policy guidelines
    • codes of practice as defined in the Act
  • provide effective support to the GTMM and facilitate implementation of its decisions
  • support the GTMM in ensuring coordination between all jurisdictions on matters relating to gene technology which are within the scope of the national co-operative regulatory scheme for gene technology
  • promote a consultative and cooperative national approach to gene technology policy development and implementation
  • consider matters referred by the GTMM, the Regulator or Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) or the states and territories
  • support the GTMM in fulfilling its functions
  • provide advice to the GTMM about the development by the Regulator under the national scheme of
    • regulations
    • technical or procedural guidelines
    • codes of practice
  • consider matters referred by the Regulator about applications received by the Regulator under the national scheme for licences to deal with genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

The committee may establish subcommittees and working groups as needed.


Membership of the committee reflects the membership of the GTMM and consists of a senior official from all Australian governments. Various portfolios are represented, which helps ensure that all interested areas can have input and inform well rounded national policy.

The Gene Technology Regulator is not a member of the committee, but attends as a participant and adviser.


GTSC members can meet several times a year, as required to:

  • consider matters relating to gene technology
  • help oversee the operation of the scheme
  • to implement the objectives and strategic policy initiatives set by the GTMM.

Related committees or groups

The committee supports the work of the Gene Technology Ministers’ Meeting.


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