To improve the agility and flexibility of the National Gene Technology Scheme and ensure it remains risk proportionate and fit for purpose, legislative reforms are required. Proposed changes to the Gene Technology Act 2000 will be the first major amendments made since the scheme commenced.
Consultation on a draft Gene Technology Amendment Bill 2024 is now open. We are seeking your views on the proposed changes within the draft bill.
We have published key documents on the consultation hub to help stakeholders provide their feedback:
- Exposure Draft Gene Technology Amendment Bill 2024 [PDF 1.0 MB]
- Exposure Draft future law compilation Gene Technology Act 2000 [PDF 1.3 MB]
- Consultation Paper Draft Gene Technology Amendment Bill [PDF 1.7 MB]
- Specific topic information sheets
- Authorisation pathways [PDF 1.8 MB]
- Certification and accreditation [PDF 1.5 MB]
- Compliance, monitoring and enforcement [PDF 346.0 kB]
- Use and disclosure of information [PDF 330.2 kB]
All submissions to the consultation are to be lodged through the consultation hub.
Submissions are open from 13 September 2024 until 8 November 2024.
Have your say on the proposed changes to the gene technology legislation
For any queries, please contact us.